Friday, August 7, 2009

Alarm clock.


What are the purposes of an alarm clock?

- Decoration

- Showing time

- Waking someone up.

Alarm clock, it is an object that people would probably ignore, not realize, and even forget about it. It is basically a useless item if you didn't want to know the time.
When you need to know about the time, it would be the most important thing at that moment.
You would seek for it, looking for it everywhere around your house, just to know what is the time now!

a lot of people would get piss or annoy by their alarm!
What is the purpose of an alarm?
To wake people up!

You'll definitely find that the alarm is annoying especially it ring when you are sleeping tight and having a sweet dream.


After you wake up, you would be glad, you would feel thankful, you might miss your class, late for work, etc if you didn't wake up.

If you didn't have an alarm clock, you overslept, you were late for work, you are fired.

At that time, I believe, you would say,

" I wish I had an alarm clock, so that I could WAKE UP before it was too late!!!!!!!!!!"

"A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need the advice."
-woody allen

"You life changes the moment you make a new, congruent, and committed decision."
-anthony robbins

You can find a lot of alarm clocks everywhere.


A good alarm clock is not easy to find. It will wake you up when you are in your sweet dream. Not every of them are able to do this.

Once you have it, appreciate it, it wouldn't be with you forever.



zz LinhZin zz said...

I like the last few words!